Written by Marc Lehman, 


In an era where the mental health of college students is becoming a growing concern, parents and students alike are searching for resources that can make the transition to college life smoother and more manageable. With recent studies highlighting a sharp rise in anxiety and depression among college students nationally, the question arises: What can be done to support our students’ mental health from the outset?

One invaluable resource that often goes overlooked is online therapy. It’s not just another item to pack alongside your textbooks and dorm room essentials; it’s a tool that could be pivotal in navigating the challenges of college life. Here’s why every rising freshman should consider going to school with access to online therapy.

The Overwhelming Transition to College

Transitioning to college is a significant life change that can overwhelm anyone. Students find themselves having to balance academic pressures, social life, financial responsibilities, and the challenge of living away from home for the first time. These factors can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and depression, making the need for accessible mental health support more crucial than ever. Virtual online counseling offers students a convenient and confidential way to seek help without having to navigate the often overwhelming process of finding an in-person therapist on campus.

The Benefits of Early Intervention

Early intervention is key in managing mental health concerns. By providing students with access to online therapy from the start, they can develop healthy coping mechanisms and strategies for managing stress before issues escalate. With flexible scheduling and a range of therapy options, online therapy can fit into even the busiest student’s schedule. Plus, students can choose from a diverse pool of licensed therapists, ensuring they find the right fit for their specific needs.

A Safe Space for Vulnerability

College can be an intimidating environment, making it challenging to open up about personal struggles. Online therapy offers a safe and confidential space for students to share their feelings without fear of judgment. With the growing awareness and acceptance of mental health concerns, online therapy has become a popular option among college students looking for support and guidance.

Building Resilience for College and Beyond

In addition to managing current stressors, online therapy can also help students develop resilience and coping skills that will benefit them long after graduation. By learning to navigate and address their mental health concerns early on, students can build a stronger foundation for future challenges and transitions in life.

Breaking Down Barriers to Traditional Therapy

Traditional therapy may come with its own set of barriers for college students, such as limited availability, having to walk to another building, or stigma surrounding seeking help. Online therapy eliminates many of these barriers by providing convenient and accessible support that can be accessed from the comfort of one’s own space. This allows students to prioritize their mental health without sacrificing their academic or personal responsibilities.

An Integrative Approach to Wellness

Online therapy also offers a more integrative approach to wellness, taking into account various aspects of a student’s life such as relationships, academics, and lifestyle habits. Therapists can work with students to develop personalized strategies for managing stress and improving overall well-being. This holistic approach can lead to more sustainable long-term results.

Connection and Community

College life can often feel isolating, especially for students who may be far from home or struggling to adjust to a new environment. Online therapy provides an opportunity for connection which can help students feel less alone and more understood.

The Possibility for Flexibility

In addition to its convenience, online therapy also offers flexibility in scheduling appointments. With busy academic schedules and extracurricular commitments, it can be difficult for students to find time for traditional therapy sessions. However, online therapy allows for more flexibility in finding a time that works for both the student and therapist.

The Rising Need

The recent increase in anxiety and depression among college students is alarming. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, over 41% of college students stated they felt so depressed that it was “difficult to function,” and nearly 63% experienced overwhelming anxiety during the last year. Online therapy services, specifically tailored to young adults, provide an outlet where students can express their feelings, confront their anxieties, and learn coping mechanisms without having to leave campus.

A Tool for Prevention and Coping

Waiting until students are overwhelmed to introduce solutions can exacerbate the problem. Making online therapy accessible from the beginning of the college experience not only offers a lifeline during crises but also serves as a preventative measure. Regular check-ins with a therapist can help students build resilience and develop coping strategies that will benefit them throughout college and beyond.

How Parents Can Help

For parents of college students, understanding the mental health resources available to your child is crucial. Encouraging open discussions about mental health, and exploring online therapy options together can provide them with a sense of security as they transition into this new chapter of their lives.

The move to college represents a significant step for young adults, filled with new experiences, challenges, and opportunities for growth. Ensuring that students have access to comprehensive mental health resources like online therapy is vital in supporting their well-being during this pivotal time. By addressing mental health proactively, we can empower college students to thrive academically, socially, and personally, laying the foundation for a successful and healthy future. Together, we can break the stigma surrounding mental health and create a supportive environment for all college students to flourish. So let’s start the conversation and make online therapy an integral part of the college experience. So, rather than waiting until problems arise, let’s work towards creating a campus culture that prioritizes mental health and wellness from the very beginning. Your mental health matters, and you deserve to have the necessary resources to support it. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Let’s come together as a community and make mental health a top priority in our college experience. Together, we can break barriers and create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive. So let’s start today, because your well-being is important, and you deserve to have access to the necessary resources for a healthy and fulfilling college experience. 

Written by Marc Lehman, 


Navigating the nebulous waters of college life can unsettle the sturdiest of ships, especially those helmed by young adults leaving their safe harbors for the first time. Parents often stand on the shoreline, perhaps equally anxious, watching their teens venture into untamed tides. While this rite of passage is celebrated as a leap towards independence and self-discovery, it can also be the first real brush with ‘you don’t know what you don’t know.’

The Hidden Struggles of First-Year College Students

College culture shock hits hard, and while freshmen might know they’re supposed to study, socialize, and sustain themselves somewhat independently, there’s many overlooked challenges that can give rise to significant stress, anxiety, and even depression in college students.

From managing rigorous academic demands to social pressures and the longing for familiar comforts—this new world order is fraught with unforeseen emotional trials. Sadly, the candor about mental health still has room to grow on campus, and many students end up silently suffering under the weight of this colossal life shift.

Virtual Counseling – The Guiding Beacon

This is where the discourse shifts towards online therapy—a buoy of support in the open sea. Sophisticated, accessible, and less stigmatized among digital-native youth, online counseling emerges as a potent tool to combat the emotional upheaval experienced by many freshmen.

Virtual therapy offers flexibility and convenience, where seeking help is as simple as tapping on a screen. It provides a platform where teens can express their most profound fears without judgment and develop coping mechanisms that resonate with the tech-savvy rhythm of their lives.

Tailoring The Lifeline Toward Tech-Tuned Teens

  • Online Therapy: It’s modern, it’s confidential, and it’s convenient. Teens are in their element online, and therapy becomes just another app—a touchpoint for guidance amidst a storm of schedules and syllabi.
  • Depression in College Students: Depression doesn’t announce its arrival with a syllabus. Through online counseling, students can learn to spot underlying symptoms and seek aid early, effectively preventing a spiral into deeper mental health issues.
  • Anxiety in College Students: Anxiety thrives in the unknown, and college is an open field of question marks. With the availability of online therapy, apprehension can be addressed in real-time from the comfort and privacy of a dorm room.

Online counseling isn’t just a life raft. For many, it’s the compass that navigates them through the uncharted waters of college life. It equips them with an inner map to chart their own emotional terrains and the resilience to weather through academic tempests and social undertows.

Everyone talks about the ‘college experience’ like it’s a given—a map handed out at orientation alongside meal tickets and class schedules. But the fact is, no one hands out a map. There’s an ocean of unknowns that each student must personally sail.

Here, parents play a crucial role. By advocating for the merits of online counseling, they can provide their college-bound teens with the tools to not merely survive but thrive during this pivotal junction of their adulthood.

It’s time to normalize these conversations, to dispel the dark clouds around mental health, and encourage acceptance of online therapy as a mainstream life jacket. Only then can we hope to fully address the unseen psychological hurdles faced by first-year college students. 

Remember, it’s not just about persevering through college; it’s about mastering the art of navigating life’s vast oceans—with a compass forged from understanding, support, and unconditional positive regard.

Are you a parent with a child heading to college? Have you considered online counseling as part of their emotional toolkit?

For more information on online counseling and coaching and how we can help yours find us at www.uareheard.com

Written by Marc Lehman, 


For many students, the transition to college marks one of the most significant milestones in their young lives. It’s a time saturated with excitement, autonomy, and the promise of a great future, but it can also be profoundly challenging. The first year of college, especially, is a period of immense change and adaptation. During this time, students are not just learning from textbooks; they are creating new personas, forming friendships, and forging paths toward their desired careers and personal goals. 

In navigating these waters, the role of a life coach is gaining recognition, particularly among college freshmen. Life coaches are not just for professional adults looking for career stability and personal growth. Instead, they have evolved into invaluable partners for students at a critical juncture in their development. The services of a life coach can equip college freshmen with the tools to not only survive but thrive through their higher education experience.

Understanding the Need for Guidance in the Modern Campus Landscape

The demands and stressors placed on college freshmen today are vastly different from those of previous generations. The modern campus landscape is one of intense competition, technological distractions, and rapidly changing social dynamics. Additionally, the academic rigor of many institutions often leaves students feeling overwhelmed and without a clear direction. 

These factors make the presence of a life coach particularly pertinent, as they can provide the personalized guidance and support that young adults crave. Life coaches aren’t just for those who are struggling; they can help high-achieving students manage their time, set and reach ambitious goals, and develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills required in today’s complex world.

The Impact of Virtual Life Coaching on Academic Success and Mental Health

Several studies have demonstrated the positive impact of life coaching on college students’ academic success and mental health. Students who work with life coaches typically experience higher retention rates, improved grade-point averages, and a more positive outlook on the college experience. This is due to the multidimensional approach that life coaches take, addressing not only academic challenges but also the personal, emotional, and social aspects of a student’s life.

Life coaches are adept at helping freshmen deal with the pressures of independence and the myriad choices they face. They can also assist in developing healthy coping mechanisms for stress, anxiety, and depression, which are common mental health issues among college students. By offering a safe space for students to discuss their concerns and learn effective self-care strategies, life coaches play a critical role in promoting overall well-being.

How Virtual Life Coaches Foster Personal Development and Self-Discovery

The first year of college is a time of significant personal development and self-discovery. Students are often confronted with new perspectives, challenges to their beliefs, and opportunities to explore their interests. Life coaches support this growth by engaging students in reflective exercises and skill-building activities that enhance self-awareness and confidence.

Through one-on-one coaching sessions, workshops, and experiential learning, life coaches help freshmen identify their values, strengths, and areas for improvement. This process is foundational to setting and achieving personal and academic goals, as it aligns one’s ambitions with their core identity. Life coaches act as a sounding board, encouraging students to reach their potential and live more purposefully.

Parental Involvement and Virtual Life Coaching: a Dynamic Support Structure

While college is a time for students to gain independence, the involvement of parents can still be a significant factor in a student’s success. Life coaches often include parents in the coaching process, particularly when the student is a freshman. By doing so, they create a dynamic support structure that addresses the student’s needs holistically.

Parental involvement in life coaching can provide freshmen with a unified system of support that reinforces the coaching goals. This collaboration can be particularly beneficial for parents of freshmen who are unclear about their role in their child’s college experience. Life coaches can help parents adapt their support to their child’s evolving needs, fostering a partnership that is geared toward the student’s growth and success.

Implementing Virtual Life Coaching Programs in Higher Education

The integration of life coaching programs within higher education institutions is becoming increasingly common. Colleges and universities are recognizing the immense benefits that such programs offer and are investing resources in creating coaching networks to support their students.

Life coaching programs for freshmen often begin with an orientation to address the specific challenges of the transition to college life. They then continue with regular coaching sessions, workshops, and community-building activities throughout the academic year. These programs are designed to be flexible and tailored to the unique needs of each student, ensuring that they receive the individualized attention required for their development.

The Long-Term Effects of Virtual Life Coaching Beyond the Freshman Year

The impact of life coaching on college freshmen can extend far beyond their first year. The skills, strategies, and mindsets that students develop through coaching are often applicable throughout their academic careers and beyond. Life coaching sets a foundation for lifelong learning and adaptation, providing students with the ability to set and achieve meaningful goals, manage their time effectively, and maintain a positive, growth-oriented mindset.

Furthermore, the support and mentorship that students receive from life coaches can lead to lasting connections and a network of resources that continue to benefit them after graduation. By investing in life coaching, colleges and universities are not just bolstering the success of their freshmen; they are equipping them for a lifetime of achievement and fulfillment.

The Future of Virtual Life Coaching in Higher Education

Life coaching is poised to become an indispensable part of the college experience, especially for freshmen. As the demands on students continue to grow, the need for personalized guidance and support will only increase. The future of higher education looks to involve more innovative coaching practices, such as digital coaching platforms, group coaching, and specialized coaching for different student populations.

By staying at the forefront of these developments, institutions can ensure that their students are well-equipped to excel in their personal and academic pursuits. The rising prominence of life coaches within the college setting heralds a new era of student empowerment and engagement, one in which every freshman can find the support they need to reach their full potential.

The integration of life coaching into the lives of college freshmen is a testament to the value of holistic support in education. By recognizing the multifaceted needs of students and addressing them through coaching, colleges are demonstrating a commitment to the success and well-being of their student body. While the college experience will always be a challenging and formative time, the partnership with life coaches offers freshmen the necessary tools to not just survive, but thrive. 

For students, parents, and educators alike, the message is clear: virtual life coaching is an investment in the future, and it’s one that pays dividends in the success and happiness of our young adults. The Freshman Edge provided by virtual life coaching is a pathway to unlocking the full potential of college freshmen, and it’s a resource that’s becoming increasingly essential in the evolving landscape of higher education. 

As technology continues to advance and the demands on students increase, it’s important for colleges and universities to adapt and evolve their support systems. Virtual life coaching offers a personalized approach that addresses each student’s unique challenges and goals, allowing them to develop necessary skills such as time management, resilience, and self-awareness. This not only benefits students during their college years but also prepares them for success in the workforce and beyond. 

Additionally, virtual life coaching provides a safe and confidential space for students to express their concerns and work through any personal or academic obstacles they may face. This can be especially beneficial for college freshmen who may be experiencing the challenges of living away from home for the first time. The guidance and support from a trained life coach or therapist can help alleviate the stress and anxiety that often comes with this transition, promoting a smoother adjustment to college life.

Virtual life coaching also offers flexibility for students by providing remote access to support services. This reduces the need for in-person appointments, which can be difficult to schedule with busy class schedules and extracurricular activities. With virtual coaching, students can access guidance and support on their own time, making it easier for them to balance their academic and personal responsibilities. 

In conclusion, virtual life coaching is a valuable resource for college students, providing support and guidance that can lead to personal growth and success. It offers a convenient and confidential option for seeking help, promoting self-awareness and developing important skills that will benefit students in their academic journey and beyond. With the increasing demands and pressures of college life, virtual coaching serves as an important tool for students to thrive both academically and personally. So, if you’re a college student looking for support and guidance, consider reaching out to a virtual life coach or therapist to help you navigate this exciting but challenging phase of your life. Keep growing, learning, and achieving your goals with the help of virtual life coaching.

Written by Marc Lehman,


In the whirlwind of deadlines, social pressures, and the quest for self-discovery, college students can be vulnerable to mental health challenges. On-demand counseling is here to catch those moments before they fall into crisis.

This proactive support system offers immediate, accessible care exactly when students need it—no long waits, no stigmas attached. It’s mental healthcare reimagined for the digital age.

Remember, prevention beats cure. On-demand counseling isn’t just a quick fix; it’s about building resilience and ensuring our bright minds stay healthy.

On-demand online counseling is a revolutionary approach to mental healthcare that has been gaining popularity among college students. With the rise in awareness about mental health and the importance of seeking help, on-demand counseling provides an immediate and accessible solution for students facing challenges.

Unlike traditional forms of therapy, which often involve long wait times and stigma attached to seeking help, on-demand counseling offers instant support through digital platforms. Whether it’s through text, phone or video calls, students can connect with a licensed therapist or coach at any time and receive the help they need.

Moreover, on-demand counseling focuses on prevention rather than just treatment. By providing immediate support to students, it helps them build resilience and cope with stressors before they escalate into more serious mental health issues. This proactive approach not only benefits the individual student, but also contributes to a healthier and more productive campus community.

On-demand counseling is also beneficial for students who may be hesitant or unable to access traditional therapy services. The anonymity and convenience of digital platforms make it easier for them to seek help without fear of judgment or disruptions to their busy schedules.

Furthermore, on-demand counseling offers a wide range of services, catering to the diverse needs of college students. From stress management and anxiety reduction to relationship counseling and career guidance, on-demand counseling provides a holistic approach to addressing various mental health concerns.

Overall, on-demand counseling is an innovative and effective approach to addressing the mental health needs of college students. Its accessibility, prevention focus, and diverse services make it a valuable resource for promoting student well-being and success. As more and more universities adopt on-demand counseling as part of their mental health support services, we can hope to see a positive impact on the overall mental health landscape in higher education.

In conclusion, college can be a challenging time for many students as they navigate through new experiences and responsibilities. It is crucial for universities to prioritize the mental health of their students and provide them with the necessary resources and support. On-demand counseling is a valuable tool in achieving this goal, offering accessibility, prevention, and diversity in its services. As we continue to recognize the importance of mental health in higher education, on-demand counseling will play a vital role in promoting student well-being and success. Let us work towards creating a culture of mental health awareness and support in our academic institutions, for the benefit of all students.

Written by Marc Lehman,


College can be an exhilarating time of discovery, but it’s not without its challenges. As students transition to a new chapter in their lives, they often encounter a host of issues that may warrant seeking online counseling:

Stress and Anxiety: The pressure to perform academically, meet deadlines, and manage a social life can be overwhelming.
Depression: Isolation, academic pressure, and life changes can sometimes lead to depression.
Relationship Issues: Navigating friendships, romantic relationships, and family dynamics often becomes more complex.
Identity Questions: College is a time when many grapple with their sense of self and search for their place in the world.
Time Management: Balancing coursework, jobs, and extracurriculars require strong organizational skills.
Substance Use: Exposure to alcohol and drugs can be common and potentially problematic.
Career Uncertainty: Choosing a career path is a significant source of stress for many students.

Each of these issues, albeit common, can profoundly affect your college experience and beyond. Seeking online counseling is a sign of strength, not weakness. It’s an acknowledgment of your desire to face challenges head-on and equip yourself with the tools needed for mental health and success.

Remember, you’re not alone in this transition—there are resources and professionals ready to support you.

Many students may hesitate to seek counseling due to the stigma surrounding mental health and therapy. However, it’s important to remember that seeking help is a brave and responsible decision, and it can greatly benefit your overall well-being.

Virtual counseling provides a safe and confidential space for you to express your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. It also offers valuable tools and techniques to help you cope with the challenges of college life and beyond.

Moreover, virtual counseling can assist in managing relationships, navigating identity issues, improving time management skills, addressing substance use concerns, and developing career goals. It’s an excellent resource for students looking to enhance their personal growth and academic success.

Remember, seeking virtual counseling is not a sign of weakness but a courageous step towards self-improvement and achieving your goals. Don’t let stigma or fear hold you back from getting the support and guidance you deserve.

Written by Marc Lehman,


Parenting can be difficult, but parenting teenagers can present a whole new level of challenges. As your child navigates their adolescence, you may find yourself feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and burnt out. It’s normal to experience these feelings, but it’s important to take steps to avoid getting burned out. In this blog post, we’ll explore strategies for staying sane and healthy while parenting your teenager.

Prioritize Self-Care

Parenting requires a lot of energy and emotional labor, which can leave you feeling depleted if you don’t take care of yourself. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in activities that bring you joy. Exercise is also a great way to manage stress and boost your mood. If you’re feeling particularly stressed or overwhelmed, consider making an appointment with a online therapist. Taking care of your own mental health will help you be a better parent to your teenager.

Set Realistic Expectations

As your teenager gains more independence, they may start to push back against your rules and expectations. It’s important to recognize that some of this rebellion is a normal part of adolescence. That being said, it’s also important to set clear boundaries and consequences for your teen’s behavior. However, be sure that you’re not setting expectations that are impossible for your teenager to meet. Recognize that your teen will make mistakes and have setbacks, and try to keep a long-term perspective.

Foster Positive Communication

Communication is key to a healthy relationship with your teenager, but it can be difficult to maintain as they become more independent. One way to foster positive communication is to make time for one-on-one conversations with your teen. Ask open-ended questions and listen to their answers without judgement. Respect their opinions and encourage them to express themselves. If you find that communication is particularly difficult, consider seeking help from a family therapist.

Find Support

Parenting can be a lonely gig, so it’s important to have a support system in place. This can include friends, family members, or other parents who understand what you’re going through. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Sometimes just having someone to listen can make all the difference.

Take Breaks

If you’re feeling burnt out, it’s important to take breaks from parenting whenever possible. This might mean asking your partner, a family member, or a friend to watch your teen for a few hours so you can take some time for yourself. Or, it could mean making time for a weekend getaway or a night out with your friends. Taking breaks doesn’t make you a bad parent; it just means you’re prioritizing your own wellbeing.

Parenting teenagers is tough, but it doesn’t have to burn you out. By taking care of yourself, setting realistic expectations, fostering positive communication, finding support, and taking breaks when needed, you can navigate the challenges of adolescence without feeling overwhelmed. Remember that it’s okay to ask for help, and that taking care of yourself is an important part of being a good parent to your teen.


Written by Marc Lehman,


As a parent, sending your child off to college can be exciting but also nerve-wracking. You want to make sure that your child has the necessary skills to succeed in a new environment and handle the academic workload, but how can you tell if they’re truly prepared? In this blog post, we’ll explore some key indicators of college readiness for high school seniors and offer tips for ensuring that your child has what it takes to thrive in college.

Academic Preparedness

The first indicator of college readiness is academic preparedness. Does your senior have the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in college-level courses? This includes strong reading, writing, and critical thinking skills, as well as a solid foundation in core subjects like math, science, and social studies. If your senior is struggling in any of these areas, it’s important to provide them with extra support and resources to help them succeed.

Time Management

College requires much more independence and self-motivation than high school. Students need to be able to manage their time effectively to balance coursework, extracurricular activities, and social life. If your senior has shown responsibility with managing their schedule and completing tasks, this is a good sign they will be prepared for the demands of college.

Emotional Maturity

College can also be emotionally challenging for students who are not yet well-equipped to cope with the stress and transitions inherent in this new environment. Emotional maturity includes self-awareness, impulse control, and resilience. If your senior has shown maturity and the ability to handle difficult situations, they may be better prepared for the emotional challenges of college.

Willingness to seek help

College requires students to be independent, but it doesn’t mean they have to do everything on their own. Students should be willing to ask for help when they need it, whether it’s from professors, tutors, academic advisors or peers. Students who know when to seek help and who take advantage of resources available to them are often more successful in college.

Admissions Requirements

Another way to assess your senior’s readiness is to look at their college admissions applications. Strong grades, test scores, extracurricular activities, and essays are all indicators of college readiness. If your senior has been admitted to a college or university, this is a good sign that they have what it takes to thrive in college.

Sending your senior off to college is a big step, but if you can confidently say that they have the necessary academic, emotional, and time-management skills, and willingness to seek help, then you can be sure that they have what it takes to succeed. Remember, college readiness is not just about grades and test scores, but also about the ability to handle new challenges and transitions. By providing your senior with the support and resources they need, you can ensure they are as prepared as possible for this exciting next chapter in their lives.

Written by Marc Lehman,


As a parent, you always want to ensure that your young adult child is healthy and happy. When your child is going to college, you want to make sure that they are receiving all the support and care they need to succeed. When it comes to the emotional well-being of your child, it is important to be aware of the mental health services offered on campus. Mental health issues are prevalent among college students, and it’s crucial that parents are well informed and prepared to help their children, if needed. In this blog, we’ll discuss what parents need to know about mental health services offered on college campuses.

Mental Health Needs of College Students

College can be a stressful time for young adults, with academic pressure, social changes, and expectations of the future. Many students are away from family and friends for the first time, and they may find themselves struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, about 75% of mental health conditions emerge by age 24. Thus, it is critical that parents and students are aware of the mental health services that are available on campuses.

Types of Mental Health Services Offered

Colleges and universities offer different types of mental health services to their students. These services may include counseling centers, support groups, workshops on mental health issues, and crisis management. Most schools also have a mental health hotline that students can call in case of emergency.

How to Access Mental Health Services

It’s important to note that each school may have a different procedure for accessing these services. Parents and students should research the mental health resources that are available on campus and learn how to access them. Some schools require a referral from a primary care physician, while others allow students to schedule appointments directly. It’s best to know the process ahead of time, so your child can easily access help, when required.


Confidentiality is crucial when it comes to mental health issues. Parents should understand that mental health professionals on campus are bound by legal and ethical guidelines, which require them to protect students’ privacy. Thus, your child’s conversations with these professionals will be kept confidential. As a parent, it’s important to respect your child’s privacy, while still showing that you care and are available for support.

Communication with Your Child

Finally, it’s important to foster open communication with your child. Pay attention to any signs of mental health issues, and encourage your child to seek help, if needed. Remember that mental health issues should be taken seriously, and seeking help is a sign of strength. You can also stay informed about the different mental health resources offered on your child’s campus and remind your child that these options are always available.

Going away to college can be overwhelming, for both parents and students. While you can’t be there for your child, at every moment, you can ensure that they have access to the mental health resources they may need. By communicating with your child about the mental health services offered on their campus, you can help them stay healthy and happy, no matter what challenges they may face. So, be proactive, stay informed, and always remind your child that they are not alone – help is always available.

Written by Marc Lehman,


The new year has come and with it, a new semester is beginning soon for college students. As parents, it is natural to want the very best for our children and that includes a successful college experience. With a fresh start, the spring semester presents a perfect opportunity for your college student to establish good mental health habits and work towards academic success. Here are some tips to help your college student start off the spring semester strong.

1)Encourage Time Management

The key to success in college is most often good time management. As a parent, you can encourage your child by helping them create a schedule and prioritize their responsibilities. A calendar with important dates and deadlines can be incredibly helpful, and there are even apps that can assist with this. Encourage your student to use their time wisely by setting aside specific blocks for studying, recreation, and taking care of anything else that requires attention.

2)Emphasize Healthy Habits

Living a healthy lifestyle is vital for college students, especially during the winter months. Make sure your child is getting enough sleep, eating well, and staying active. Take the time to discuss with them how to develop a healthy habits routine, which includes everything from getting enough sleep to scheduling in exercise and cooking healthy meals

3)Encourage Communication with Professors

Open communication with professors is essential for success in college. Encourage your child to attend office hours or schedule a meeting with their professor if they are struggling in the class. Professors can offer valuable insight on the course material, and if your child has the chance to discuss their difficulties with a professor, then they can customize any advice.

4)Establish a Study Group

Forming or joining a study group can be very beneficial for college students. Make sure to remind and encourage your child to reach out to classmates and set a date to begin studying together. Working with others helps increase productivity and clarify course materials.

5)Promote a Positive Mindset

It is easy to get overwhelmed by the pressures of college, but a positive mindset can go a long way towards success. Encourage your student with positive thoughts and remind them that progress takes time. A positive mindset helps your child to remain motivated and provides them with the necessary inspiration to stay focused and persistent.

Starting off the spring semester positively with a good attitude, healthy habits, and excellent time management skills will undoubtedly lead to academic success. As a parent, you can help your child to reach their full potential by implementing these tips. Ultimately, it is vital to keep communication open with your child and to engage with them to ensure that they succeed.

Written by Marc Lehman,


College is a time of exploration, growth, and new experiences. It’s also a time when students are tasked with juggling the demands of academic coursework with developing a social life. While it’s certainly important to achieve success in your studies, it’s equally important to maintain a balance with social activities and relationships. For parents of high school seniors, it can be a challenge to prepare your child for the rigors of college life, but with the right tools and strategies, your college-bound student can thrive both in and out of the classroom. In this blog post, we’ll explore some tips and tricks for maintaining a healthy balance between academics and social life in college.

Set Priorities:

As a college student, it’s important to prioritize your academic responsibilities and commitments. While it can be tempting to spend all your time socializing, it’s important to set aside adequate time to study, complete assignments, and attend classes. Before getting caught up in social activities, create a schedule or routine that incorporates dedicated study time. Students may also consider establishing a study group or setting academic goals to stay motivated and focused.

Engage in Time Management:

Time management is another key element in maintaining balance. Students must learn how to manage their time effectively to ensure that they meet deadlines, stay on top of assignments, and maintain healthy social lives. Creating a to-do list or using an app can help manage deadlines and keep track of tasks.

Join Organizations or Clubs:

Getting involved on campus can be a great way to strike a balance between academics and social life. Join clubs or organizations that align with your interests. Being involved can help you to meet like-minded people, develop leadership experience, and engage in new activities and experiences.

Plan Social Activities:

It’s important to make time for social activities as well as academic pursuits. Plan social activities and events to complement your academic responsibilities. For example, attending a movie or concert, or going for a hike, can provide a break from studying and helps students make connections and friendships.

Practice Self-Care:

Maintaining a balance can be stressful, and it’s important to prioritize self-care during this time. Focus on getting enough sleep, eating well, and finding ways to relax and manage stress. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being can help manage academic stress and contribute to a successful social life.

All in all, college is a transformative experience that requires students to adapt and develop new skills. Finding a balance between academics and social life can be challenging. However, prioritizing academics, engaging in proper time management, joining clubs, planning social activities, and prioritizing self-care can help students balance the demands of college life with a healthy social life. As always, for parents of high school seniors, ensuring that your child understands these skills and is able to apply them can help set them up for success on campus.