Authorization to Obtain and Release Information

Authorization to Obtain and Release Information


Contact Details

If you would like someone from our staff to contact you regarding an inquiry for yourself, a child or a friend – please fill out the following information and we’ll be in touch within 24 hours.

If you are experiencing an immediate medical or mental health emergency, please dial 911.

You Have a Voice

Be Heard Now

    Phone ContactPsychiatric Evaluation/Psychiatric Progress ReportsClinical Assessment, Treatment Plan and/or NotesLetters Regarding Treatment Needs/IssuesEmail Containing Clinical Information

    This authorization permits the sharing of the above-identified information between the staff of U ARE HEARD
    LLC and:

    I understand that the information being obtained/released is for the purposes of treatment planning. I understand that I may withdraw this consent at any time prior to the release of the above information and that withdrawal of this consent must be done in writing. I understand that refusal to grant consent will not impede my right to obtain present/future treatment so long as the disclosure is not deemed as necessary for providing appropriate clinical care. This consent will expire on or 6 months from the date of signature.


    152 Simsbury Rd
    Avon CT 06001


